29 September 2022

Last weekend (23-25 September), our Management Accountant, Bea Gostnyska took on the Trailwalker Challenge, a 100km non-stop walk across the South Downs Way.

Beginning in the Queen Elizabeth Country Park just south of Petersfield, Bea and her teammates set off at 7am in an attempt to complete the course in under 30 hours and reach the finish line at Brighton Racecourse.

“The atmosphere was amazing and having people along the route and at every checkpoint was really motivational,” said Bea. “It was definitely more difficult than we anticipated though. I was expecting the hardest part to be the night walking, and don’t get me wrong it was spooky at times, especially when a cow appeared in the pitch black less than a metre away from me! However it was the tough, rocky and uneven terrain that proved the biggest challenge and unfortunately we started to develop injuries.

“By checkpoint 6, the 60km mark, and after 16 hours and 40 minutes of walking, we made the decision to stop, putting our health first. We’re immensely proud not only of how far we walked but that as a team we raised £2,200. We’ve already decided to try it again next year, and now know what to expect, both mentally and physically. We’ve planned new training routes to tackle the Yorkshire 3 Peaks and Lake District 24 Peaks but it’s definitely time to rest and recover first!”

 You can still sponsor Bea via